Town of Lincoln Ward 1 Meeting February 23rd, 2022 – Minutes



Meeting began at 6:00pm – Councillors Russell and Rintjema introduced staff in attendance, advised that the meeting would be conducted with an open-agenda format and that the meeting is for information purposes only and no decisions would be made.

1. King Street


A resident inquired about King Street generally around the West Avenue area – Are there plans for reviewing existing speed limits/plans for road improvements?

Response from Staff: (Director of Public Works David Graham): King Street from Lincoln Avenue to the roundabout is to be upgraded including intersection improvements at Thirty Road and Mountainview Road. Utility relocations are planned for 2022, and the construction is planned to start in 2023.

The design will include upgrades such as:

  • Replacing culverts
  • Improving sub-surface drainage
  • Repairing and reconstructing the ditches, curb and gutter to improve roadside drainage
  • Improving illumination at the intersections
  • Widening the road platform to include bicycle lanes and geometric improvements at the Thirty Road intersection
  • Constructing a traffic signal at Thirty Road

2. Lincoln Avenue:

Question: A resident had a concern about the line painting on Lincoln Avenue

Response from Staff: (Director of Public Works David Graham): Staff will visit the site and review.

Konkle Creek Area:

*Question: A resident expressed concerns about

  1. children playing in and near the particular section of Konkle Creek lying alongside Meadowood Park;
  2. The extent to which the creek widened (overflow) during the extended period of rain that took place mid-February;
  3. Garbage that flows through the creek from upstream.

Response from Staff: (Director of Public Works David Graham): Noted that the creek for the most part has functioned well in terms of handling overflow and that this unusual rain period put it to a good test. Will look into the concerns.

*Question: A resident noted that the anti-slip strips placed on the bridgerunning from Tamarac Avenue to Meadowood Park(after the issue of the bridge being slippery was raised at the October Ward meeting) have been damaged – likely during snow clearing.

Response from Staff: (Director of Public Works David Graham): Staff will attend the site and review.

  1. Crime:

Comment: A resident commented on their belief that crime has increase in recent years in Lincoln generally.

Response from Staff: (CAO Mike Kirkopoulos): Feedback from Niagara Regional Police indicates that crime is not on an increase. Monday March 7th, Shaun Parrent, Staff Sergeant, Jen Lawson, Police Services Board Member, Bryan MacCulloch, Chief of Police, Brett Flynn, Deputy Chief of Police, Marco Giannico, Superintendent, Patrick McCauley, Inspector, and Stephanie Sabourin, Corporate Communications Manager – representatives from the Niagara Regional Police Service will attend a meeting of Town of Lincoln Council to provide an overview of services and programmes.

Link to Agenda:

  1. Fleming Centre Parking Lot:

Comment: A resident of Park Avenue noted that cars speed up as they come around the bend to head south and they approach the area of the Fleming Centre Parking lot at the west end of the building where it meets Park Avenue. This is an area where pedestrians cross. Could there be a speed bump installed?

Response from Staff: (Director of Public Works David Graham): Staff will review the conditions of the site and consider traffic calming measures to suit, including the possibility of a speed bump.

  1. Vision Zero:

Question: A resident had questions about the status of The Region’s project Vision Zero the goal of which is to install red-light cameras and automated speed enforcement elements on Regional Roads. The resident’s understanding was that a neighbouring municipality voted against it and that the project requires the endorsement of all 12 municipalities to move forward.

Response from Staff: (CAO Mike Kirkopoulos): Town of Lincoln Council passed a motion to ask the Region to return with a model that is more likely to receive support and his understanding is that this is underway.

Response from Regional Councillor Foster: Further to the CAO’s comment – his understanding is that the neighbouring municipality’s concern stemmed from the proposed funding formula.

  1. Proposed Alternate Beamsville Truck Route (Bartlett Road specifically):

A resident had questions about what plans are in place in advance for the proposal to redirect northbound truck traffic coming from Mountain Street to turn east rather than west and then to travel northerly on Bartlett Road. If this work is not expected to be completed until 2025 as the earliest, what measures will be put in place to control trucks speeding on Bartlett?

Response from Staff: (Director of Public Works David Graham): The Town will has put speed cameras (Black Cat Radar) on Bartlett Road to monitor speeds, and if the data warrants, will ask NRP for increased enforcement based on the data.

  1. Truck Traffic on Mountain Street:

Comment: A resident suggested restricting truck traffic on Mountain Street rather than redirecting it easterly toward Bartlett (and away from the downtown/Ontario Street).

Response from Staff: (Director of Public Works David Graham and CAO Mike Kirkopoulos): The Town cannot back truck traffic from Mountain Street as it is a Regional Road. The Town has signage at Fly Road suggesting that trucks take Fly Road to Victoria Avenue. Further to this, the Town has two active quarries and the Town works with these businesses to help educate their drivers to use suitable routes. Also, the Town has discussed the approach of taking over Mountain Street from the Region but nothing is imminent.

  1. Re-routing Truck Traffic – West End:

Comment: A resident had a concern that trucks will not respect the new proposal for east/west truck traffic movement (that they travel westerly along the South service Rd and then south along Durham Road and then west along King). The resident had concerns that they may use Greenlane Road instead.

Response from Staff: (Director of Public Works David Graham): Plans are to upgrade Durham Road in such a way that truck traffic will be welcomed.

  1. Intermittent Truck Traffic related to specific construction projects:

Question: A resident had questions as to what the Town does to mitigate not only issues related to ongoing regular truck traffic but also that related to specific construction projects.

Response from Staff: (Director of Public Works David Graham): the Town has a Construction Truck Management Plan, and its focus is to keep them on Regional Roads and off other roads.

  1. Flooding in the Sann Road/Bartlett Area:

Question: Is there anything that can be done to deal with the water in the area – Sann Road flooding between John Street and the CN Tracks?

Response from Staff: (Director of Public Works David Graham): The Town liaises with CN Rail to have the area along the tracks cleaned out regularly as the water is proposed to run northerly to the track and then westerly along the tracks. The Town also works to maintain the ditches that run north/south along Sann Road on the west side. The area is low lying. Staff/Councillors will reach out for further discussion on this.

  1. Hilary Bald Park:

Question: A resident asked if it’s possible to install a second basketball net and asked if it’s possible to add more lighting to the ice rink.

Response from Staff (Director of Community Services Shannon McKay): Staff will check if it’s a possibility and if there’s room for a second basketball net. Staff will look into this further and continue to keep lights on as long as possible but also must consider the neighbors surrounding the park and their concerns.

  1. Specific Residential Development related questions:
  1. Building on south side of King at Ontario: A resident asked how access to the building will be arranged/accommodated for:

Response from Staff: (Director of Public Works David Graham): This Ontario and King will be upgraded to a 4-way intersection.

  1. New Proposed building at NE corner of Ontario and Greenlane: A resident asked how the $500,000 Community Benefit will be allocated:

Response from Staff: (Melissa Shi, Manager, Prudhomme’s and Special Projects):

    1. A portion will go to the public space at the east end of the development
    2. A portion will go to fund the Gateway feature on Ontario Street
    3. Approximately $350,000 toward affordable housing initiatives.

Further to this, there are development related funds required from the developer that go directly for funding greenspace/parkland.

  1. Pedestrian use of John Street between Bartlett and Sann Road:

Question: A resident noted that there are a considerable number of pedestrians that walk along this stretch and this section of road is poorly lit and there are no sidewalks.

Response from Staff: (Director of Public Works David Graham): Staff will be looking into improvements to improve pedestrian safety. Staff/Councillors will reach out for further discussion on this.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:20 p.m.

Dianne Rintjema​
Town of Lincoln
Direct: 905‑563‑2799 ext. 309
Tel: 905‑563‑8205


Thank you to those that attended the Town of Lincoln Ward 1 meeting with Councillor Dianne Rintjema and Councillor Adam Russell and various Town of Lincoln staff on October the 14th 2021. Your input and the conversations always help a great deal in understanding your personal experiences as residents. Please review the Minutes below and let us know if there is anything further you would like to discuss or if we have missed anything.

Thank You.

Councillor Dianne Rintjema –

Councillor Adam Russell –

Ward 1 meeting April 15th 2021: MINUTES

The Councillors for Ward 1 Town of Lincoln, Councillor Adam Russell and Councillor Dianne Rintjema held a Ward meeting virtually on April 15th 2021. The format for this meeting was open Agenda whereby attendees raise their hand and ask questions and the meeting continues on in a conversation style format.

Please see the minutes from the meeting below and please feel free to reach out to Councillor Adam Russell and Councillor Dianne Rintjema via telephone, email, or social media, whatever you feel most comfortable with regarding items in these minutes or anything else you would like to discuss.


Meeting began at 6:00 PM. Councillor Russell advised that the meeting would be an open Agenda concept and participants are free to raise their hand and ask questions. Councillor Rintjema advised that the Ward meeting is not a meeting of Council and no decisions would be made moving business forward. Manager of Corporate Communications Lilliana Busnello introduced Town of Lincoln staff member in attendance:

CAO Mike Kirkopolous

Director of Community Services Shannon McKay

Director of Economic Development and Communications Paul Di Ianni

Manager of Corporate Communications Lilliana Busnello

Director of Public Works Dave Graham

Director of Planning Matt Bruder

Solutions Analyst Devon Linton

Also in attendance: Regional Councillor Robert Foster

Traffic flow/road safety

A resident of King Street between Mountainview and Thirty Road raised issues related to speed and traffic safety. Concerns related to the fact that the speed limit changes from 70 to 50 and back and concerns related to the inconsistency. Houses and restaurants and daycare service along that particular strip.

Discussed was the Region’s imminent plans for updating King Street from Lincoln Avenue to the roundabout and that they will be considering changes to speed limits at the same time.

Another resident suggesting advocating for reduced speed well in advance of the proposed construction for this strip so that drivers become accustomed to the new reduced speed this may reduce the temptation to speed that can often happen on newly paved and newly constructed roads.

Director of Public works noted the issue and undertook to advocate for reduced speeds on this stretch of Regional Road and the installation of related signage.

Director of Public Works will advocate for increased enforcement in the area.

Director of Public Works also outlined the proposed restricted truck route applicable to this particular section and as outlined in the report to Town of Lincoln Committee of the Whole of April 12th 2021.

Other residents suggested that high visual gateway signage be established in the area that can also incorporate notifications that the area consists of residential uses.

Questions were raised regarding traffic safety on that section of Green Lane lying east of Ontario and west of Bartlett avenue.

Director of Public works noted that an all-way stop will be installed at the intersection of Green Lane and Garden Gate terrace likely by the end of June.

Recreation and Community services

A resident shared appreciation for the ongoing maintenance and investment into local parks.

A resident noted their appreciation for the efforts of community staff to provide for safe activities during covid and inquired about any new installations proposed that may or may not be included in the capital budget. Director of Community Services took note and highlighted an example of a possible soccer net at Hillary Bald park.

A resident close to Hillary Bald Park noted that security was on site at the park to deal with restricted use of the outdoor skating rink. Raised concern related to people bringing dogs to Hillary Bald Park and letting them run off their leash. Notable times: 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in particular. Asked about possibility of bylaw or security actively enforcing this issue.

Director of Planning noted concerns and noted that this is not currently something that by-law department has been monitoring or acting on – will follow up with by-law department regarding dogs running off leash in parks not designated for off leash activity.

A resident noted the lack of facilities for basketball within the town of Lincoln.
CAO responded and took note and shared that an agreement for use of the new proposed theater and gym at the new West Niagara High School is in the process of being negotiated and also spoke regarding the Town’s plans to potentially establish a community hub on the grounds of the former Beamsville District Secondary School.

Issues primarily related to Ontario Street

A resident noted that construction for the new condominium building on Ontario street has been starting at 6:00 a.m.

A resident noted concerns about the dirt along Ontario Street related to the residential construction.

A resident noted that there are signs on Ontario street that block sight lines.

Residents noted that the lights that Friesen and Ontario should be all way. Noted that many residents are traveling up Cedarbrook as opposed to trying to turn onto Ontario street from Friesen.

Director of Public Works noted that The Region is undertaking a review of traffic activity at the intersection of Friesen and Ontario.

Residents noted need for lights at Drake and Ontario.

Director of Planning will reach out to construction company regarding noise by -law and permitted start times and will also look into construction related dirt issue.

Director of Planning noted that Council has approved updated sign by-laws and a grace period was instituted. Grace period is coming to an end in the next month or so and related enforcement will begin.

Residents, including some that live on Ontario Street, shared several concerns related to traffic and infrastructure on Ontario street: need for increased police presence to address speeding and traffic concerns, inappropriate truck traffic, street sweeping, speeding, setbacks, drainage, and general conflict between residential and commercial development.

A resident on of Ontario Street noted frustration with general safety related to school buses, trucks, and vehicle behavior on Ontario street. Resident noted difficulties related to having two special needs children and shared concern for their safety accessing school buses and crossing the street when required.

A resident noted that large trucks continue to park on the north side of Alyssa Drive at Ontario Street by the Tim Hortons restaurant.

Niagara Regional Councillor Rob Foster outlined ongoing data collection specific to traffic flow down Mountain and across King and down Ontario, red light cameras and photo radar.

Director of Public works outlined a number of undertakings with a goal to assisting with the above issues including regular truck safety blitzes undertaken in the past and planned to be undertaken on a regular basis. Director of Public works will continue to advocate with Niagara Regional Police regarding speeding and driver habits on Ontario street.

Director of Public works will discuss with by-law the concern related to trucks parking at Alyssa and Ontario by the Tim Hortons restaurant in the no parking zone.

CAO outlined considerations around traffic and truck safety and reiterated the commitment to doing regular truck safety blitzes as an enforcement tool.

Director of Public Works outlined that Ontario Street is a Regional Road and that the Town of Lincoln therefore does not do the spring street cleaning however will follow up with the Region as to timing of street cleaning for Ontario street.

In response to a suggestion from a member of the community that the Town do more to share, with residents, information related to the initiatives that the resident is hearing about during this Ward meeting, Director of Economic Development and Communications outlined the goals behind the establishment of the new interactive website and outlined user considerations and provided a link to same.

Garbage collection:

A resident inquired as to assessments of progress so far on recent changes at the Regional level to waste management. Regional Councillor Foster outlined that the changes to the waste management contract have primarily been a significant success.

A resident inquired about the possibility of the Town assisting with Community led community cleanups. Director of Community Services noted that the Town appreciates residents taking the initiative to clean up the community and will be happy to assist in terms of providing tools, coordinating safe garbage disposal.

Light pollution

Residents from various areas of Town had questions regarding light pollution in general from commercial operations as they may affect neighboring and abutting properties.

Director of Planning noted the newly established nuisance by-law that includes giving the Town the authority to assess lighting concerns and enforce where necessary. Director of Planning also noted that lighting and photometrics are considered for any commercial development during the Site Plan process.


A resident shared general concerns regarding parking overnight on roads and lack of sufficient parking in new developments. Director of Planning outlined requirements related to parking under the zoning by-law for new developments.

Road upgrades

A resident in the general area of Friesen Boulevard and Hartwood had questions regarding the timeline for finishing the road construction. The same resident shared concerns with the recent road construction and related pooling of water at the end of their driveway.

Director of Public works shared that the construction will be finalized this spring and summer and undertook to investigate the concern with the water pooling at the driveway.

The meeting ended at approximately 8:30pm

Councillor Dianne Rintjema

* drintjema

Councillor Adam Russell

* arussell

Ward 1, Town of Lincoln

Dianne Rintjema

Minutes of online Ward 1 meeting November 19th 2020

On November 19th, 2020, Councillor Russell and I held an online Ward 1 Meeting. Although we had hoped to be able to hold it in person at the Fleming Center, rising COVID numbers led us to make the decision to go ahead with the meeting but to do it via ZOOM Conference Call.

We will be reaching out to those that attended for feedback on the format – We feel that the online format went well and is better than not being able to meet at all.

The Minutes are below for review.

***Please reach out to us to let us know your thoughts on:

  1. Did you hear about the meeting?
  2. Were you comfortable with the idea of meeting online?
  3. Is there anything you would like to discuss with us/share with us that you don’t see reflected in the Minutes – Or do you have anything to ask/discuss that is further to what you see in the Minutes?

Councillor Russell:
905 704 9693

Councillor Rintjema
905 246 5335

A picture containing background pattern Description automatically generated

MINUTES of Ward One Meeting, Town of Lincoln – November 19th, 2020

Meeting started at 6:00 p.m. Councillors Russell and Rintjema advised that the meeting would be an open Agenda concept and participants are free to raise their hand and ask questions.

A resident shared a story of reaching out to the Jacob Retirement Residence regarding the lighting on the exterior of the building being too bright and affecting their enjoyment of their home – and was pleased with the response. The Jacobs Retirement Residence commitment to alleviating the residence concerns and followed through.

Lighting in Parks:

Questions were raised about lighting in Rotary Park particularly in the area of the new skateboard park / pump track. Director of Community Services Shannon McKay advised that there are a number of considerations when it comes to lighting particularly as it relates to crime prevention, including placement and lighting type.

Further to this, Director McKay advised that decisions about how to light, and/or whether to light a park or part of a park will be made with consideration of the Town of Lincoln Parks and Recreation Master Plan, and that each park will be looked at on an individual basis.

A resident shared information regarding previous experience with motion lighting being activated by wildlife and advised that this can be a disturbance to surrounding residents.


Positive comments were shared about the extent to which traffic concerns have been addressed within Lincoln Square and a request that further traffic calming and monitoring initiatives be considered for the two major intersections being Serena and Alyssa on the North and Serena and Alyssa on the south end.

The Director of Public works outlined initiatives related to the use of new radar technology and also the Town’s plans to designate Serena Drive from Ontario Street to Alyssa Drive at Rotary Park as a Community Safety Zone.

Discussion centred also on knockdown signs and the trial use of these within Lincoln Square. A resident shared her experience that speed humps and knockdown signs seem to slow people down, but they still roll through the stop signs.

Residents highlighted concerns regarding the number of people that cross and enter through the vehicle entrance to the Fleming Center.

The Director of Public Works, David Graham outlined how generally speaking, traffic calming require a multi-faceted and continuous focus and that traffic calming initiatives will continue to be examined and considered for throughout Lincoln and also within Lincoln Square.

Residents raised concerns regarding heavy trucks parking by Tim Hortons on the north side of Alyssa Drive alongside Fleming chicks and the resulting sightline problems and traffic flow problems. Their understanding is that this is a No Parking Zone. How do we prevent this? How do we encourage trucks to continue on down Ontario Street and use the Tim Hortons by the highway?

A resident of Fairgrounds Road shared concerns that people continue to be unaware that Fairgrounds Road is a dead-end road. The Director of Public Works undertook to consider measures to raise awareness and to consider other possible methods of preventing unnecessary traffic on Fairgrounds Road.

A resident raised issues regarding the pop-up signs at the corner of Drake and Garden Gate, being that vehicles traveling eastward along Drake and then turning north onto Garden Gate are forced to go around the left side of the pop-up sign entering into the southbound lane of Garden Gate.

Director of Public Works Graham itemized some of the actions being taken to deal with inappropriate traffic and traffic safety generally. Specifically mentioned was the proposal to create a new truck bypass detour on Bartlett Road in Beamsville. The ongoing truck safety initiatives, rerouting traffic at the west end by the traffic circle, and the Regions installation of cameras at Ontario Street and King Street and also at Mountain Road and King Street.


Questions were raised about proposed parking spots for Rotary Park within the overall park design. Will these parking spots be protected? Staff advised that bylaw will be patrolling the area to ensure that these are not used as overflow parking for local residents.

Dog Park:
A number of residents felt that a second dog park (over and above the one established at Kinsmen Park) would be advantageous. Concerns were raised that it is difficult for large dogs and small dogs to interact in the same park. Staff advised that a future second dog park within Lincoln will be considered. Resident advised that Hilary Bald Park often has off leash activity.

Economic Development:
Associate director of Planning Matt Bruder discussed the long-term vision of Ontario Street with a goal of beautification in collaboration with the Region .

Associate director of Planning Matt Bruder also updated attendees regarding the newly established updated sign Bylaws including the requirement that mobile signs be restricted to four times a year for 15 days at a time.

Director of Economic Development and Communications Paul DiIanni discussed ongoing measures being undertaken to continue to attract various commercial uses to Lincoln.

Associate director of Planning Matt Bruder discussed how land use controls particularly those that encourage a commercial component married with a residential use can be beneficial in attracting more commercial activity.

A resident suggested that we reach out and poll those in the community to see what types of services and retail uses they would support.

A resident raised the point that Lincoln is in need of Tourist Accommodations. Associate director of Planning Matt Bruder and Director of Economic Development and Communications Paul DiIanni agreed and noted that Planning measures along with the newly established Tourism Strategy contain initiatives designed to attract and support Tourist Accommodations.

Positive feedback was shared with Town Staff for their response on an ongoing basis to issues particularly in the Lincoln Square area.

Meeting was closed at approximately 7:20pm.

Dianne Rintjema

Lincoln Pathstone Mental Health Re-Opening

Please note the attached news release. The Town of Lincoln was very proud of its decision to welcome the weekly no-fee mental health services that PathStone Mental Health had been providing on Thursdays at the Fleming Center prior to the COVID emergency. The Town is very happy to announce that these services will be resuming.

Please review the attached media release and note that due to distancing requirements at this time PathStone is requiring that an appointment be made in advance by calling one 1-800-263-4944.
Dianne Rintjema

Media Release- Pathstone Re-Opens Off Site Clinics- July 2020.docx

Update on Konkle Creek Works

Good news that we are moving on with the finalization of the restructuring and naturalization of Konkle Creek, the purpose of which has been to prevent the ongoing erosion of the banks in the area and to allow the creek flow to meander as a creek naturally will. As you know, Konkle Creek functions as an important part of the storm water drainage system for the Town of Lincoln. Fortunately this area of Konkle Creek is lovely and lends itself to passive recreational opportunities as well. See below for further information regarding next steps and please let me know if you have any questions.
drintjema or (905) 246-5335

Konkle Creek Naturalization – Phase 2
Project Background:
Phase 1 of this project was completed in 2018 and consisted of constructing a new meandering naturalized creek from Greenlane to approximately 750m south of Greenlane. Phase 2 of this project involves the stabilization of the existing creek from Meadowood park to the limits of Phase 1 construction and diversion of flow from the existing creek into the new Phase 1 naturalized creek corridor. Phase 2 will also include backfilling the decommissioned existing creek channel and replacing
it with a pedestrian multi-use trail as well as a significant amount of replanting.
Next Steps:
As part of this project, the Town has been working with affected residents regarding privacy screening (i.e. fencing). Any residents that would like
to discuss this in further detail are encouraged to contact the Town to schedule a meeting.
Also, residents will be contacted by an OZA representative, to schedule a precondition survey of the exterior of their homes to document the extent of any cracking or other damage that may exist prior to commencement of construction. This information is used to determine the extent of contractor responsibility in the unlikely event that damage occurs during construction.

Dianne Rintjema

2020 Konkle Creek Construction Schedule

Below is the construction schedule for this phase of the Konkle Creek remediation project. Many of you have been waiting patiently for the completion of this project that is not only important from a stormwater management perspective but also valuable from a recreational perspective, the completion of which we’ll be one step further in the town of Lincoln’s goal of connecting trails and pathways through Lincoln so that we can be a connected community with multiple options for participating in active transportation.

Konkle Creek Naturalization Project Update


Project location: Konkle Creek, from Greenlane to Meadowood Park 

Overall Construction Schedule:

Start date:    

Phase 2 – pre-construction work to begin in March 2020

Phase 2 – full construction work to begin in July 2020


Completion Date:

Late Fall 2020 Construction 

Update (February 2020):

Current status:

  • Phase 1 works were completed in 2018. A new naturalized creek has been constructed offline.
  • Phase 2 planning completed 2019
  • Phase 2 construction budget approved for 2020


Next Steps:

  • Phase 2 will divert existing drainage channel flows to the new creek
  • The pre-construction works to be completed include tree and brush clearing in anticipation of summer construction; only a few select trees will remain. An arborist will be on-site tagging trees for removal
  • Phase 2 involves a significant replanting strategy to replace removed trees and vegetation
  • Phase 2 works include backfilling the existing channel and the construction of a new multi-use paved trail 

Project Background: 

In 2012, in response to significant bank and corridor erosion the Town completed a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study for the rehabilitation of Konkle creek from Greenlane to the Lincoln Square development (Meadowood Park).  The EA Study recommended that a naturalized corridor with a self-sustaining watercourse as the best preferred remediation option to address natural, social and environmental issues. The project is occurring in two phases. Phase one was completed in 2019 with the second and final phase to be completed in 2020.


Project Team:

Organization Role Contact Information
Town of Lincoln Project Lead Walter Neubauer

Manager, Technical Services

905-563-2799 ext. 278

905-641-0971 (emergency after hours)


Thank you for your ongoing support of the Town’s investment in your neighbourhood & patience through this construction work.

Dianne Rintjema

Transit System in Niagara: On Demand

The Niagara Region will be coming to the Town of Lincoln’s Community Service and Infrastructure Committee this Wednesday December the 4th at 6:00pm (meeting is open to the public – see the Agenda here

[Agenda likely will be uploaded by Friday November 29th]) to present a transit model that is intended to allow residents in municipalities (including Lincoln) to travel within their own municipality and also beyond the borders of their own municipality (to another existing transit hub) and this system will be run on an on-demand basis. Proposed is that residents will be able to call roughly an hour ahead and book their pickup, which will be right to your residence (an exception being if you have a sidewalk in front of your house – it will then pick you up a certain distance away).

The system is proposed to run from 7am to 10pm Monday to Saturday.

What about our existing "ULinc" intramunicipal transit system? At this time is is proposed that the existing system continue to run for a month to overlap with the commencement of the Regional On-Demand system, which the Region is hoping to implement in April of 2020, afterwhich it is proposed that the ULinc system will stop (it is currently 100% contracted out – Lincoln owns no part of the system).

Cost to riders? Currently it is proposed that the charge be $3.00 to travel within Lincoln and $6.00 to travel beyond Lincoln’s borders.

Cost to taxpayers? Currently the ULinc system costs $175,000 per year (some of which is covered by Gas Tax Funding – I don’t recall the exact amount at the moment). It is proposed that this be our portion of the cost to the Region for Lincoln to participate in the system and would provide us with designated vehicle(s) within Lincoln.

The hope is that all municipalities will want to participate but if one does not, it will not recieve designated vehicles that travel within their own borders, but that municipality will benefit from the Regional portion which will allow them to call ahead for a vehicle to pick them up and take them beyond the border of their municipality to another muncipality that currently has a transit system (for example, from within West Lincoln to within St. Catharines).

What about Regional Specialized Transit? It is my understanding this this is to continue as it for the time being but ultimately be phazed out by the proposed new On-Demand System.

Is there a Municipality that is doing this right now? The thought is that on-demand transit systems work well and are most beneficial in areas of large geographic areas with a low population density. My understanding is that Sault Ste. Marie has successfully implemented an on demand transit system.

Hats off the The Region for initiating this process. Transit is extremely important to people from just being able to go the hairdresser all the way to being able to see a doctor and accessing education and employment (and for employers to be able to sustain a workforce).

I hope that this is clear – This is just my preliminary understanding but details of the proposed system will be provided by a representative of the Region at next Wednesday’s meeting, and at some point Lincoln will be asked to make a decision.

You can attend the meeting or watch it when it is uploaded onto the Town’s website. Feel free to email me and Councillor Russell with your questions/comments @ drintjema or arussell.
Dianne Rintjema

Konkle Creek Phase 2

The reconstruction of Konkle Creek has been an important move for The Town of Lincoln. Necessary as the creek is an important Storm Water management tool that carries water to Lake Ontario and often at a high rate of speed. This has caused erosion to the banks ovee the last 25-30 years to the extent that certain areas of the creek became hazardous during times of high rain/spring thaw.

The reconstruction involves re-routing the creek and providing it more room to "meander" as creeks will naturally do

It also involves stabilizing the banks by planting, and then establishing root systems.

Along the creek will be a walking path which connects to the overall Trails system.

Then Open House gives you an opportunity to view the details of Phase 2, ask questions, and provide input.

Dianne Rintjema


Councillor Russell and I recently held our first Ward 1 meeting for this term of Council. Below is a synopsis of the discussion. Our Town is growing but it is still very possible to have these casual style meetings where the Agenda is not structured, rather it is you, the attendees/residents that lead the discussion and we are there to listen. We in fact, believe that these intimate settings are even more important during a time when we are experiencing growth and we intend to continue to provide for avenues such as this for you to interact with us, seek information, and provide input because we believe that is one of the greatest advantages of having local, reachable politicians.



Date of Meeting: May 23rd, 2019

Time: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Location: Fleming Centre – Room A

Lincoln, Ontario

Meeting Commenced: 7:00 p.m.

Discussion Points:

1. Skateboard Park: Residents from Lincoln Square inquired about the status of the plans for a skateboard park. The skateboard park is to be established on the north side of the Fleming Centre in the currently undeveloped park area. The skateboard park design is not finalized, nor has the exact location of the skateboard park within the park area been determined.

2. Dufferin Avenue: A resident inquired about the plans for the final coat of asphalt, and also had concerns about the storm sewer in the area. The resident’s address was noted and Town will follow up.

3. Bartlett Road and Traffic Flow: Questions centred on general traffic flow and if the Town has plans to divert traffic from Ontario Street to Bartlett Road. This led to discussion regarding truck traffic through the Beamsville downtown area and what is being done to alleviate the pressure/redirect. Director Graham noted that the Town is working with the Niagara Regional Police and The Ministry of Transportation. Discussion was had about the recent motion moved by Mayor Easton and Councillor Brunet regarding a number of items directed at alleviating inappropriate truck traffic.

A resident had questions about whether there will be establishment of a designated East/West Route through Beamsville. It was noted that Greenlane Road is currently has the highest traffic counts in Lincoln (not including Regional Roads) and that with the establishment of the secondary plan for the GO Station hub at Ontario and Greenlane, the apartments that will be constructed on the north side of Greenlane West of Sobeys, and the plans for the new West Niagara High School at Durham Road and Greenlane, capital investments are planned and detailed design is in progress for the urbanization of sections of Greenlane in anticipation of the proposed developments and to accommodate cyclists and pedestrians.

A resident had questions about Central Avenue lying between King and the Rannie Square parking lot and whether the Town has plans to open the section up to two way traffic. There are no plans to do so.

4. Downtown Beamsville: A resident questioned how downtown Beamsville will change in order to accommodate the growth from the Vista Ridge and Cherry Heights Development. Discussion centred on possible initiatives for providing more parking (within the BDSS site?) and on the recent successful expansion of the BIA Boundary coupled with the ongoing work of the Economic Development Department at the Town of Lincoln.

5. Sign Bylaw: A resident inquired about the signs along Ontario Street and noted that signage loses its effectiveness as the number of signs increase. The Town is in the process of finalizing its bylaws and will be bringing a draft bylaw to Council for approval in the coming months.

6. Konkle Creek: Phase 1 is complete. Phase 2 is proposed for 2020 and a public information session for review of the phase 2 design is planned for June 25th 2019.

7. Tree canopy along King Street: A resident had questions about some of the mature trees being removed/cut back along King Street (for example – the trees in front of Jacob Beam School). Will the trees be replaced? It was noted that King Street is a Regional Road and the trees within the boulevard are generally the responsibility of the Region but staff will inquire.

8. Storm Water management ponds and fencing: A resident asked if The Town will fence in the SWM Pond in the new Cherry Heights Development as it has for others within Lincoln or leave it open for recreational purposes. Discussion was had regarding resident safety and how this is handled in other municipalities (providing rescue floatation devices for example), and the general benefits of having a SWM Pond that is designed to retain (and filter) storm water. The pond at Cherry Heights will not be fenced.

9. Pathway from King to Fleming Centre: A resident noted that on several occasions cars have been seen turning into the pedestrian walkway that leads from King Street to the Fleming Centre and then trying to back out once they realize that it is not meant for motorized vehicles. Comments from residents were that the curb cut on King existed prior to the establishment of the walkway and is wide enough to accommodate a small car and that is part of the problem. The resident inquired as to whether installing bollards would be a possibility.

10.Lighting at Hilary Bald Park: The back of Hilary Bald Park has no lighting. Residents are concerned walking through the east/west pathway at night for several reasons – one being that they are seeing more coyotes around the residential area recently and are therefore uncomfortable walking their dog through the park. Discussion was had about the soon-to-be finalized Parks Master Plan and that lighting needs can be considered across the Town’s Parks taking advantages of economies of scale and also considering factors such as light pollution for surrounding residents.

11. Graffiti on noise barrier on Greenlane: Concerns were raised about graffiti and whose responsibility it is to clean up and if there is anything that can be done the wall’s surface to make clean-up easier.

Action Items:

  • Send information to attendees re:
  • Parks Master Plan
  • Skateboard Park
  • Transportation Master Plan
  • The Heritage Register
  • Bill 108


Dianne Rintjema

Town of Lincoln
Direct: 905-563-2799 ext. 309
Tel: 905-563-8205
Town of Lincoln Facebook LinkTown of Lincoln Twitter Link@TownofLincolnON